Issues in Education

Issues in Education airs interviews and content related to public education and the politics connected to it, in the United States and Canada. Bob and Geri Boyd have produced and hosted this radio program/podcast for over thirty years!

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Israel - Iran Conflict

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

8/31/24 Israel – Iran Conflict 1900
The religious leaders in Iran believe they can accelerate the coming of their Muslim Messiah by destroying Israel. Mark Hitchcock, author of Iran and Israel says the stage is being set for a war between Iran, Russia and other countries against Israel.
Amir Tsarfati, author of Revealing Revelation, says Israel is preparing their military for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Russia has supplied Iran with advanced fighter jets and sophisticated defenses. China is becoming active in the Middle East. Greg Laurie says that this war may lead into the one prophesied by Ezekiel that God intervenes to destroy Israel’s enemies.

Vote Biblically or Not At All

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

8/24/24 Vote Biblically or Not At All 1899America was once the model in the world as a Christian nation. But now our nation is on the verge of God’s judgment. Why have pastors become silent on social and political issues? Pastor Jim Garlow, author of Well Versed – Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues, says, “Polls show Christians want their pastors to teach on Biblical solutions to current issues, but silence from the pulpit has led to Biblical illiteracy. Many pastors say they don’t discuss politics. Does that mean they would have remained silent on slavery?” God raised up a pagan King Cyrus and a coarse leader Churchill, because they were right for that time.

The Left Isn't Right

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

8/17/24 The Left Isn’t Right! 1898
How has our nation gone from Christian to where Christianity is becoming criminalized? Where evil is called good and good is called evil. Where Marxism and socialism are indoctrinated? Where God, capitalism and country scorned? David Kupelian, author of The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom, says "Within our lifetime, what was once abhorred has been accepted enlightened but is still grossly evil.” Words have been changed to mean the exact opposite of what they used to mean. Tolerance means intolerance. Killing a baby is a woman’s choice.

Choosing the Right Education

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

8/3/24 Choosing the Right Education 1896
What is the PURPOSE of education? Just to learn academics? Don’t ask what kind of education is best, ask what kind of person do you want your child to become? Bob Gannage says schools omit God in creation and history. He sold encyclopedias so he could educate his kids himself. RC Sproul, Jr, a home school expert, says home schooling is a joy that produces children who relate well with people of all ages. Ed Gandy built a $4 million school and hired teachers from his church to give his church kids a Christian education. Brian Schwertley, says, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with your MIND."

The Signs of the Times, pt 2

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Monday Apr 15, 2024

th nukes could start a nuclear war that results in the prophetic destruction of Damascus by Israel that could be the beginning of the end of this period of God’s Grace. We are living in the earth’s final days signaling that the rapture and Great Tribulation are close. Pastor Barry Stagner, author of The Time of The Signs – A Chronology of Earth’s Final Events, says we could see the beginning of the Ezekiel 39 war but be raptured out before its end since God’s grace gives way to his wrath on Israel’s enemies. The Anti-Christ will come from the area of the Roman Empire. Amir Tsarfati vividly describes the Great Tribulation.

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