Issues in Education

Issues in Education airs interviews and content related to public education and the politics connected to it, in the United States and Canada. Bob and Geri Boyd have produced and hosted this radio program/podcast for over thirty years!

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Churchill's Courage

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Monday Jun 17, 2024

6/22/24 Churchill’s Courage 1890
Imagine the fear, when on May 26th 1940, France had fallen and the entire British army was surrounded by the Nazi war machine. The 338,000 British soldiers were surrounded by Hitler’s 5 million man army. It was hopeless but one man, Winston Churchill, infused his nation with courage and hope that saved Britain, with a huge armada of Navy and private ships, that rescued Britain’s army at Dunkirk. Cuts from the movie, The Darkest Hour, included the people in the underground telling Churchill to never give up. This tear jerking moment gave Churchill and Parliament the will to resist Hitler and win the war.

Psychology As Religion

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Monday Jun 10, 2024

6/15/24 Psychology as Religion 1889
Schools used to teach values right from wrong. But now there are no absolutes, that’s considered too religious. It’s up to each person to decide for themselves. How did this happen? Psychologist Dr Bill Coulson, along with Carl Rogers, introduced an experiment in the schools that led to a cultural paradigm shift that changed the teacher to a facilitator and switched absolutes for relative values. Dr Coulson says this has led to a disaster for our culture! Dr Coulson explains how his psychological experiment led to “situation ethics,” inventive spelling, illiteracy, drug addiction, immorality, smoking, and etc.

Is America Coming to An End?

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Monday Jun 03, 2024

6/8/24 Is America Coming to an End? 1888
Our government has so weaponized the powerful federal agencies that have become so tyrannical that free and fair elections may be over. How long can this nation survive spending a trillion dollars every 100 days just to pay the interest on the 36 trillion dollar debt? Historian Victor Davis Hanson, author of The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation, says we’ve never seen a US president impeached and imprisoned in court cases after he left office. We have over 150,000 Middle Eastern students promoting antisemitism. Empires collapse because of complacency and nativity. Theism is key to freedom.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Monday May 27, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

6/1/24 Fearfully & Wonderfully Made 1887
God brilliantly knit our bodies together to show His creative genius. God’s creative genius in the physical realms leads us to want to know Him. Best selling author, Philip Yancey, author of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, who survived a near fatal car accident, surprisingly talks about the benefits of pain. Until God became flesh as Jesus, he had not truly experienced pain and suffering as we do. If you want to know how God feels about our pain and suffering, look at how Jesus responded when He was on earth. Without Jesus, we would not know the love of God. The inspiration behind “Fearfully” is surgeon Paul Brand.

The High Cost of Freedom

Monday May 20, 2024

Monday May 20, 2024

5/25/24 The High Cost of Freedom 1886
Freedom is not free but purchased in blood, sweat and tears. Osama bin Laden was the evil mastermind behind the 911 attacks that killed nearly 3000 innocent people and inflicted unimaginable pain and grief on this nation. Then in 2011, 23 Navy Seals landed in bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. The courageous Navy Seal who killed the devil Osama bin Laden was Robert O’Neill who saved the world from more catastrophes. John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, says his faith in Christ saved his life. Former Army Ranger Gary Horton, says young people need courageous Christian role models as heroes to emulate.

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