Issues in Education

Issues in Education airs interviews and content related to public education and the politics connected to it, in the United States and Canada. Bob and Geri Boyd have produced and hosted this radio program/podcast for over thirty years!

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2 hours ago

10/19/24 Why The Truth Matters 1907
Are we just one national disaster away from tyranny? Could America become tyrannical? Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People? - Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think, says 11 million people is the number killed by Nazi's from 1933 to 1945. Why couldn’t they have fought back? They were lied to by Nazi leaders like Eichmann, and they believed it. Hilmar Von Campe, a German soldier under Hitler, says we are being led down the same socialist road that Germany went down. Hilmar gives a wake up call so we don’t fall into the same terrifying Nazi-style totalitarian abyss Germany did.

Vote Prolife

Monday Oct 07, 2024

Monday Oct 07, 2024

10/12/24 Vote Prolife 1906
We have a generation that is historically illiterate. (Cuts of college students who say they’ve never heard of Adolph Hitler.) The minds of people are changed from pro-abortion to pro-life by watching a documentary comparing Hitler’s holocaust to America’s abortion holocaust of millions of babies. Ray Comfort, producer of the film entitled ”180”, makes people think! Killing innocent children in abortion is similar to killing Jews in Nazi Germany. To say it’s a woman’s choice is comparable to saying it was Hitler’s choice to kill Jews. Comparisons are so convincing that people change their minds on abortion.

Monday Sep 30, 2024

10/5/24 The Tragedy in Israel Continues 1905
Student protests in support of Hamas are support for barbarians! Gov Ron DeSantis said he would cancel visas of those who support terrorism. US Sen. Katie Britt who talked to those who witnessed the horrors of terrorism said it’s evil. Doug Murray says, “Hamas enriched their leaders and impoverished the Palestinians. Hamas squandered billions to make terror tunnels instead of a Mediterranean paradise.” Jeff Ballabon says world-wide anti-semitism portends another holocaust. Pastor Billy Crone, author of The Final Countdown, said the God who owns everything gave the land to Abraham and his descendants.

Monday Sep 23, 2024

9/28/24 RFK’s Campaign to Help Children 1904
Why would Robert Kennedy want to be President when his dad and uncle, President JFK, were assassinated? Robert Kennedy suspended his campaign for President and is endorsing Trump so he can be part of replacing the corrupt directors who allow the toxic chemicals/pesticides in our food that’s causing chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, autism and neurological disorders. 77% of our kids are too disabled to serve in our military. New leadership will eliminate the corruption in the FDA, CDC and USDA by stopping the subsidies to conflicted corporations. They will be replaced with unbiased federal directors.

Sex Identity Confusion

Monday Sep 16, 2024

Monday Sep 16, 2024

9/21/24 Sex Identity Confusion 1903
Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, says boys learn differently than girls and need to be taught differently. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation to protect grade school kids from being sexualized. Other guests: Lt Gov. Mark Robinson, Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chino. A Supreme Court justice can’t define the word “woman” yet she is determining Supreme Court cases. Dennis Prager says the confirmation of Judge Jackson will be the decline of our civilization. Judge Ketanji Jackson could not answer when life begins, meaning she has the same ideology as those who legalized child killing in 1973.

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